目前分類:國王的客人 (2)

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The King’s Guest 79-82  The Villages

國王的客人 第八章 村落 73頁起-75


Aaron Chen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

CHAPTER V.THE OUTLAW.亡命之徒   (國王的客人)         Tan I Leng

We were standing on the eastern margin of the plain, just under the hills that buttress the mountains. If the reader has any desire to picture the scene, let him fancy himself on a flat shore, or wading in a shallow sea, under the shadow of fairly steep cliffs. And in the time of our Lord the spot on which we stood was doubtless the floor of the sea ; it has been .rising gradually for huiidreds of years~it is rising still..


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